What areas of fire safety does BAFE cover?

BAFE offer distinct competency schemes for the following services:

  • Fire extinguisher servicing/maintenance (BAFE Scheme no. SP101)
  • Fire Risk Assessment (BAFE Scheme no. SP205)
  • Kitchen fire protection systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP206)
  • Dry and Wet Riser/Falling Installations servicing/maintenance (BAFE Scheme no. SP105)

The SP203 suite of schemes (listed below) consists of three separate schemes. These are all modular using the SP203 format, meaning a company can achieve Third Party Certification and BAFE Registration in one or more of these skills. Both the SP207 and SP203 suite of schemes offer competency criteria for the design, installation, commissioning and/or maintenance of:

  • Fire detection and fire alarms systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP203-1)
  • Fixed gaseous fire extinguishing systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP203-3)
  • Emergency lighting systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP203-4)
  • Evacuation Alert Systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP207)
Additional Information

BAFE also acknowledge the following two BRE/LPCB Third Party Certification schemes to allow BAFE Registration:

  • LPS 1014 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP201)*
  • LPS 1204 Fixed Extinguishing Systems (BAFE Scheme no. SP202)

*The BAFE SP201 Scheme acknowledges providers who hold LPS 1014 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Third Party Certification (this covers all four modules).

Consumer Information
Companies can become Third Party Certificated and BAFE Registered to one or more of the BAFE Schemes listed above. It is important to verify your chosen provider is appropriately Third Party Certificated and BAFE Registered for the service you require.