BAFE SP101 Scheme
  • What BS 5306 Exam certificates are accepted for the BAFE SP101 Scheme?

    BAFE recognise the following bodies as providing an BS 5306 examination, in line with the current version of BS 5306-3 (Annex I – Training of competent persons):

    • BAFE
    • British Fire Consortium (BFC)
    • Independent Fire Engineering and Distributors Association (IFEDA)

    BAFE only accepts BS 5306 exam certificates issued by BAFE, BFC, or IFEDA as part of the fire extinguisher technician evidence required to achieve BAFE SP101 Registered Technician status.

    Please note for the BAFE BS 5306 Exam, BAFE only deliver examination and invigilation services for BS 5306 examination. BAFE do not provide training in fire extinguisher servicing. For information on which external training providers will result in the issuing of a BAFE BS 5306 exam certificate please contact the BAFE office

  • I have just employed a 'BAFE Registered Fire Extinguisher Technician' - how do I register them to my organisation?

    If you are a BAFE Registered Organisation with a current/valid BAFE SP101 competency scheme registration you will need to complete a Technician Application Form and send to to add this technician to your organisation.

    If you are not a BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation, then the technician is no longer BAFE registered and cannot complete fire extinguisher work under the BAFE SP101 scheme.

    A step by step process of registering a BAFE SP101 Registered Fire Extinguisher Technician can be found here

  • How do I become a BAFE SP101 Registered Fire Extinguisher Technician? - BAFE SP101 Fire Extinguisher Technician Registration Process

    A step by step process of registering/becoming a BAFE SP101 Fire Extinguisher Technician can be found below.

    Technicians cannot register independently to BAFE
    A fire extinguisher technician requiring registration must be employed by an organisation who has achieved third-party certification and BAFE Registration to the BAFE SP101 competency scheme (BAFE SP101 Competency of Portable Fire Extinguisher Organisations and Technicians).

    Step 1 – Check employer BAFE SP101 Registration

    Is your employer/your organisation third-party certificated and BAFE Registered to the BAFE SP101 Competency of Portable Fire Extinguisher Organisations and Technicians Scheme? If yes, continue to step 2. If not, please visit the BAFE SP101 Scheme page for further information on this process.

    Step 2 – Submit Application for new BAFE SP101 Fire Extinguisher Technician

    Your BAFE SP101 Registered employer submits an application form for each individual technician. With this form you must also provide evidence of successful completion of the recognised exam:

    ‘Theory and practice of servicing portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of BS 5306 Parts 3 and 8.’ BAFE currently recognises the exams taken via IFEDA, BFC, and BAFE. This must be kept up to date with refresher training every three years after passing the initial exam. For more information regarding the BAFE recognised exam click here

    Applicant Technicians will also be required to show evidence of current/valid Health and Safety training and asbestos awareness training at this time.

    Please note organisations will be charged a fire extinguisher technician application fee per technician on application, which includes the initial assessment. See Fee Sheet for further details.

    Step 3 – Technician granted ‘Applicant’ Status

    Once details have been checked (and payment has been received), the fire extinguisher technician will be granted ‘Applicant’ status. During this time applicants are not allowed to provide works under the BAFE SP101 competency scheme. They must be fully assessed and signed off by BAFE to do so (i.e. completing the process outlined on this web page).

    Step 4 – Fire Extinguisher Technician Competency Portfolio

    The applicant technician will be sent a Technician Competency Portfolio which is to be completed before on-site assessment. The essential areas of knowledge to be covered by the Technician Competency Portfolio and the assessment are:

    • Theory of Fire Types of Fire risk
    • Maintenance procedures
    • Provision and siting of equipment
    • Health and Safety
    • Applicable British and International Standards
    • Regulatory and Legislative requirements

    For further information on the Technician Competency Portfolio please click here

    Please note failure to complete the Technician Competency Portfolio prior to assessment may result in immediate failure of the assessment. An additional fee will be required to re-book the initial assessment.

    Step 5 – On-Site Initial Assessment

    The assessment of this knowledge is field based and is carried out by a BAFE appointed independent field assessor.

    When the technician has successfully completed the identified areas in the Technician Competency Portfolio and has a successful on-site assessment with the BAFE appointed field assessor, this information is sent to BAFE Head Office for final approval. When the report is signed off the fire extinguisher technician will be awarded with the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma and a BAFE SP101 Identification Card (which are valid for a three year period). This three year period assumes that the fire extinguisher technician continues to be employed by the same BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation. In the event of a change of employment a re-registration will be required if they join another BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation. Should the technician leave their current employer or become employed by an organisation that is not BAFE SP101 Registered they will no longer be a BAFE SP101 Registered fire extinguisher technician with immediate effect.

    Please note: Once successfully assessed (with report sign off from BAFE) and BAFE SP101 Registered, there is a monthly technician fee which is invoiced quarterly in arrears. Please see Fee Sheet for more information regarding charges. These fees cover the continuing assessment and administrative requirements of the BAFE SP101 competency scheme.

    Technicians moving to another organisation/setting up a new organisation
    If a technician is currently employed by a BAFE SP101 third-party certificated and Registered Organisation and moves to another organisation (BAFE SP101 Registered or not), then their current BAFE SP101 technician status will no longer be valid until re-registered with their new employer. Should the BAFE SP101 fire extinguisher technician become employed by an organisation (or set up a new organisation) not registered to the BAFE SP101 competency scheme then they will no longer be a BAFE SP101 Registered fire extinguisher technician with immediate effect.
  • How can I verify a fire extinguisher technician is BAFE SP101 Registered?

    It is important for you as the appointed person responsible for fire safety within your building is confident that the organisation you use are competent. After specifying a BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation to provide fire extinguisher services, it is also important to know you can also check the fire extinguisher technicians that will be completing this work on-site are BAFE SP101 Registered. To do this you can demand to see their BAFE ID card (example shown below). Please note this is a strongly recommended action to exercise due dilligence.

    BAFE SP101 ID Card Example

    This card will feature their name, organisation and ID card number. You can contact BAFE Head Office on 01608 653 350 or email quoting these details to verify their Registration is valid, and working for the appropriate BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation.

    A valid BAFE SP101 Registration for fire extinguisher technicians ensures they continue to follow best practice, have regular refresher training, and on-site assessments* to demonstrate ongoing competence.

    *on-site assessments are performed by BAFE appointed field assessors.

  • What is the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Competency Portfolio?

    A focus of the 2017 revision of the SP101 competency scheme was strengthened Fire Extinguisher Technician Competency Portfolio requirements. This underpins the BAFE on-site assessment and is crucial to a fire extinguisher technician earning the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma. This is required for all fire extinguisher technicians employed by BAFE SP101 Registered Organisations.

    Key changes to this were as follows:

    • Additional requirements for the understanding and application of BS5306-8 (Selection and positioning of portable fire extinguishers) were added, including map/diagram elements for completion by the technician and walk around with BAFE assessor on-site.
    • Additional competency questions regarding BS5306-3 (Commissioning and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers).
    • The addition of competency requirements for Asbestos Awareness and Health and Safety training.
    • Stronger focus on technician competency with the removal of management system questions (as these elements are covered by certification body audit).

    The Fire Extinguisher Technician Competency Portfolio demonstrates evidence of the industry/field skills and expertise required to competently complete the fire extinguisher works required. To continue to acknowledge BAFE SP101 fire extinguisher technicians as the best in the industry, we check they are skilled and knowledgeable in the following areas:

    • Planning and organisation (i.e. vehicle safety/appropriate equipment for customer site preparation).
    • Health and safety/environment (i.e. key duties under legislation/safety precautions).
    • Assessing fire risk and making recommendations (i.e. understanding of which extinguishers should be used/understanding of BS5306 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises).
    • Installation of portable fire extinguisher equipment (i.e. mounting of extinguishers/use of power tools in buildings).
    • Service and maintenance of fire extinguishers (i.e. disposing of media/actions for unsafe or unlikely to operate extinguishers).

    They must also provide documentation to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of what types of extinguisher should be used and where these should be sited. Evidence must also be provided of original/refresher certificates for the successful completion of the exam Theory and practice of servicing portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of BS 5306 Parts 3 and 8’, Asbestos Awareness and Health and Safety training. Successful completion of the Fire Extinguisher Technician Competency Portfolio, with the BAFE appointed field assessor (and signed off by BAFE), is the key element for gaining the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Diploma. Technician competency will be monitored on an ongoing basis during field assessments every three years.

  • What is the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma?

    BAFE SP101 Competency of Portable Fire Extinguisher Organisations and Technicians Scheme – BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma

    The BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma is the defining award for fire extinguisher technicians to assure competence and skill to provide appropriate fire extinguisher services.

    The BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma is awarded to fire extinguisher technicians who meet all of the demands of the BAFE SP101 Competency of Portable Fire Extinguisher Organisations and Technicians Scheme.

    This is not to be confused with the exam ‘Theory and practice of servicing portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of BS 5306 Parts 3 and 8’ - which is only part of the requirements to gain the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma.

    The BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma for fire extinguisher technicians is made up of the following requirements:

    • Successful completion of the exam ‘Theory and practice of servicing portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of BS 5306 Parts 3 and 8’ – with certificated evidence and ongoing refresher training every three years.
    • Certificated evidence of current/valid Health and Safety training from a BAFE recognised training provider.
    • Certificated evidence of current/valid Asbestos Awareness training from a BAFE recognised training provider.
    • Completion of the comprehensive BAFE developed Technician Competency Portfolio, which demonstrates understanding of the theory relating to portable fire extinguisher services (including which extinguishers to use, positioning, installation, commissioning, and maintenance/servicing).
    • A successful on-site assessment from a BAFE appointed assessor to ensure technician applies theory into best working practice (with ongoing assessments every three years).

    Only at this point will a fire extinguisher technician be awarded the BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technician Diploma, which is the essential award required to achieve BAFE Registered fire extinguisher technician status – under the employment of a BAFE SP101 Registered organisation (who have been assessed by a UKAS accredited certification body to the scope of BAFE SP101).

  • Why is the registration process different for the BAFE SP101 Scheme compared to the other BAFE Schemes available?

    The BAFE SP101 competency scheme is in two stages due to assessing the competence of all individual fire extinguisher technicians (performed by BAFE) on top of the organisation management system and competency assessment (performed by a UKAS accredited certification body).

    As the BAFE SP101 competency scheme requires all fire extinguisher technicians working under the organistion's third-party certification to be individually assessed (by an independent field assessor appointed by BAFE) this adds another element to the process, making this different to all the other BAFE competency schemes available.

    Organisation third-party certification (to the scope of BAFE SP101) is achieved via successful assessment from a UKAS accredited certification body. Fire Extinguisher Technician assessments are performed by BAFE. Both stages of the process must be completed to become BAFE SP101 Registered and perform fire extinguisher work under this scheme.

  • What is the BAFE SP101 registration process?

    The BAFE SP101 Registration process is in two stages:

    1. Organisation third-party certification (to the scope of BAFE SP101) - Assessment performed by a UKAS accredited certification body.
    2. Organisation and Fire Extinguisher Technician Registration - Directly via BAFE including fire extinguisher technician on-site assessments.

    Both stages must be completed (i.e. organisation registration with a minimum of one fire extinguisher technician*) before BAFE SP101 Registration is achieved. Prior to this, organisations are not permitted to promote themselves as BAFE SP101 Registered even if they hold third-party certification to the scope of BAFE SP101 (as this is only one stage of the process).

    Fire extinguisher technicians cannot become registered if they are not employed by a BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation - the two stages are directly linked under one scheme. If a BAFE Registered fire extinguisher technician leaves their employment, they are no longer a valid BAFE SP101 registered fire extinguisher technician and must re-register under their new employer (if they are a BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation). This is to monitor competence and compliance to the scheme under the employment of their new employer.

    *All fire extinguisher technicians employed by a BAFE SP101 Registered Organisation must become registered under requirements of the scheme. Failure to do so may result in suspension or termination of your BAFE SP101 third-party certification and BAFE SP101 Registration.

    For an outline of the BAFE SP101 Third Party Certification and Registration process visit the BAFE SP101 Scheme Information page here