The BS 5306 exam ‘Theory and practice of servicing portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of BS 5306 Parts 3 and 8’ is the recognised exam that is part of the requirements in achieving the BAFE Diploma and BAFE SP101 Fire Extinguisher Technician registered status.
Please note achieving this certification (from a BAFE invigilated exam) alone does not authorise the holder to trade as a BAFE (or BSI) authorised organsiation or technician nor does it authorise the use of any associated logo or trademark (e.g. using the BAFE or BSI logo or insinuating BAFE Registration etc).
To become BAFE SP101 Registered to perform fire extinguisher servicing/maintenance please review information for the BAFE SP101 Scheme
BAFE recognise the following bodies as providing an BS 5306 examination, in line with the current version of BS 5306-3 (Annex I – Training of competent persons):
BAFE only accepts BS 5306 exam certificates issued by BAFE, BFC, or IFEDA as part of the fire extinguisher technician evidence required to achieve BAFE SP101 Registered Technician status.
Please note for the BAFE BS 5306 Exam, BAFE only deliver examination and invigilation services for BS 5306 examination. BAFE do not provide training in fire extinguisher servicing. For information on which external training providers will result in the issuing of a BAFE BS 5306 exam certificate please contact the BAFE office
If you have a pre-existing condition (medical or other) that may affect your ability to take the exam under normal examination conditions, please contact your chosen training provider directly for access requirements that can be provided (please note evidence may be required).
Please declare this information as early as possible to ensure the training provider has time to consult/action with invigilators. If this is not done, candidates may be required to take the exam under normal conditions.
The employer of the technician will receive a copy of your BS 5306 exam certificate. Under normal circumstances this will require refresher training to be taken every three years to keep this original BS 5306 exam certification valid.
“Refresher training
A competent person is required either to attend a refresher training course of at least 1 day duration, or to undergo refresher training that is structured as continuing professional development over aperiod that has documented outlines and training material.
The refresher training has to be completed within a period of 3 years of passing either:
a) the initial training course examination; or
b) the last refresher training examination. The competent person after completing the refresher training has to take and pass a written examination.”
- BS5306-3 Annex I (informative) Training of competent persons
Please note achieving this certification (from a BAFE invigilated exam) does not authorise the holder to trade as a BAFE authorised company or technician nor does it authorise the use of any associated logo or trademark.
This BS 5306 exam certification can then be used as part of your application process for BAFE SP101 Fire Extinguisher Technician registration.
For any exams invigilated by BAFE, all results and certificates for the BS 5306 exam will be sent to the training providers. You will need to contact them directly for this information.
BAFE is not able to provide this information directly to candidates (or their employers). We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If your BS 5306 exam refresher certification is over three years old, please contact your training provider for further information.
“Refresher training
A competent person is required either to attend a refresher training course of at least 1 day duration, or to undergo refresher training that is structured as continuing professional development over a period that has documented outlines and training material.
The refresher training has to be completed within a period of 3 years of passing either:
a) the initial training course examination; or
b) the last refresher training examination. The competent person after completing the refresher training has to take and pass a written examination.”
- BS5306-3 Annex I (informative) Training of competent persons