Gaining Third Party Certification and BAFE Registration provides quality independent evidence of competency to deliver a specific fire safety service.
This quality assurance is strongly recommended in Government and Fire and Rescue Service guidance:
"Third-party certification schemes for fire protection products and related services are an effective means of providing the fullest possible assurances, offering a level of quality, reliability and safety that non-certificated products may lack...
...Third-party quality assurance can offer comfort both as a means of satisfying you that goods and services you have purchased are fit for purpose, and as a means of demonstrating that you have complied with the law."
- HM Government Guidance Fire safety risk assessment (Section 8 Quality assurance of fire protection equipment and installation)
Guidance documents from HM Government can be found here (external link)
The BAFE Registration process begins with gaining Third Party Certification to the scope of that particular scheme for a specific fire safety service.
BAFE Registration does not cover all fire safety services. Each registration is for a specific fire safety service (e.g. fire risk assessment).
Please visit the appropriate BAFE Scheme page (Become BAFE Registered section) for further information on how to gain BAFE Registration for a specific service.
The time period for a Third Party Certification assessment will be determined by your chosen Certification Body. Once Third Party Certification to a BAFE Scheme is achieved, BAFE are notified by the Certification Body (except for the BAFE SP101 Fire Extinguisher Scheme). Following this, the admin process with BAFE is normally under two weeks (under normal circumstances).
The BAFE SP101 Third Party Certification and BAFE Registration process is the only scheme to be administered differently to the above information. This process can be found in the BAFE SP101 Scheme information available.
With the exception of the BAFE SP101 Scheme (which is administered differently to the other BAFE Schemes available), the BAFE fees are included in with the Certification Body’s fees for assessment. You will not pay anything directly to BAFE and you will need to enquire with your chosen Certification Body for assessment costs.
The BAFE SP101 Scheme process is in two stages. This process, including BAFE costs, can be found in the BAFE SP101 information available.
All BAFE Scheme Documents (and supporting documentation) can be found in the Become BAFE Registered section of the website. Please select the appropriate BAFE Scheme you are looking for in this section to source the correct Scheme Documentation.
Please visit the appropriate BAFE Scheme page in the Become BAFE Registered section for information. These pages contain an overview of the process and provide appropriate Scheme Documentation.