BAFE Campaign - Don't Just Specify, Verify - Supporter Spotlight - UKAS

UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service)
  • UKASUKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) support BAFE Campaign - Don't Just Specify, Verify Third Party Certification

UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) support BAFE Campaign - Don't Just Specify, Verify Third Party Certification

UKAS is delighted to see this important initiative from BAFE and we offer it our full support. Accredited third-party certification of fire safety services is an essential element of fulfilling statutory obligations. UKAS is the only Accreditation Body recognised by the UK government and BAFE have always shown great commitment to meeting this “gold standard”.

- Matt Gantley, CEO - UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service)

BAFE Campaign - Don't Just Specify, Verify Third-Party Certification

BAFE Campaign - Don't Just Specify, Verify - Supporters

BAFE Campaign - Don't Just Specify, Verify - Show Your Support