Any organisation that features on the BAFE Fire Safety Register has earned their listing by being audited by a UKAS Accredited Certification Body and achieving Third-Party Certification to one or more BAFE Schemes (and meeting relevant BAFE Scheme criteria). This requirement goes above and beyond many other bodies on the market, strongly demonstrating that all BAFE Registered Organisations listed are committed to competency and are prepared to be audited on an annual basis to demonstrate their ongoing competence for specific fire and wider life safety work.
Responsible People using the BAFE Fire Safety Register can find and verify evidentially competent organisations to help them meet their fire safety obligations.
BAFE competency Schemes provide UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies appropriate criteria to audit organisations. These audits, performed by the UKAS Accredited Certification Bodies who are Licensed by BAFE, determine if an organisation can evidence quality Management Systems and their competency to deliver specific fire safety works with their employed individuals.
The BAFE competency Scheme Documents are managed appropriately, with the support of the BAFE Scheme Monitoring Committees and additional industry experts, to ensure they remain the best route to evidence competency on the market.
What is UKAS Accredited Third-Party Certification?
BAFE passionately believes that Third-Party Certification via a UKAS Accredited Certification Body is the most robust method of determining ongoing evidence of appropriate management systems and competency for specific fire and wider life safety work in the industry.
BAFE’s work with the fire safety sector and wider interested parties including Government, is to determine where competency can be evidenced appropriately to further assist in supporting a safe and reliable industry.
The BAFE developed BS 5306 exam is available to external training providers who wish to offer this exam at the end of their training course (please note however that BAFE do not deliver training or approve any training available on the market).